A film that explores the lure and lore of subcultures and their leaders, “Something Hidden” is Carol Rainey’s uniquely personal journey into the heart of a human enigma—the UFO abduction phenomenon. Shot over ten years of marriage to a leading UFO investigator, Rainey’s work-in-progress is a detective story and a story of love that goes awry during the couple’s pursuit of answers to an otherworldly mystery.
Rainey uses her decade with insider access to explore the “high strangeness” of this subculture’s convictions and to probe for what’s “real,” what’s unexplained, and what might be manufactured. Her camera follows the detective-style investigation of one spectacularly complex case (based on the book “Witnessed” by Budd Hopkins). Rainey’s candid first-person observations and wry humor leaven the story of traumatized experiencers and the charming, determined man who calms, hypnotizes, and befriends them, becoming their spokesman and champion through best-selling books, radio, and television around the world.
The main subject of the “Witnessed” case, housewife and mother Linda Cortile, was allegedly abducted from her Lower Manhattan apartment into a hovering craft near the Brooklyn Bridge. Audiotapes and letters sent to the investigator claim that two government agents and the top official at the United Nations were among numerous witnesses to the event.
Currently in post-production, the film incorporates intimate interviews with the subject Linda Cortile, her son, and other alleged witnesses—including audiotape and letters from two government agents and a United Nations leader—Linda’s hypnotic regression sessions, the investigator’s on-location hunt for evidence, and the media’s response to the sensational case on shows hosted by Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Maury Povitch. As the story sweeps the investigator and his wife along from Cape Cod to Istanbul, New York to London, Paris to San Marino, Rainey continued to shoot and never stopped asking the hard, skeptical questions.